Coffee Management
Convenience stores, Gas Stations & Fast Casual Restaurants have the responsibility to serve fresh hot coffee all day long. It is important to make sure that hold times are accurately managed and quantity is constantly monitored so that customers are not discouraged by the poor quality of coffee.
Coffee Management System allows brands to remotely manage and monitor coffee bars. Coffee urns are placed on scales that all connect to the cloud. ICC services provide live, up to the minute alerts which assure staff responds and replenishes your crucial coffee products. Staff can monitor status of every flavor with small wireless displays and receive audible alerts when it's time to make a new urn.
Main Benefits
- Record Usage How much coffee was used throughout the day
- Record Waste Capture the quantity remaining when expired
- Report Coffee Quality Report if store is serving expired coffee
This wirelessly is communicated to ICC servers and displayed onto online dashboards which contain all the important data of all of your kitchen's activities. Managers can touch status icons to get details on every task your staff performs, all aspects of food storage and cooking operations and more importantly tasks that need to be performed.
Serve Fresh Hot Coffee All Day, Every Day
Coffee Management
Capture the market with fast service and consistency.
Ready to captialize on your coffee service practices with sales and waste data?
Talk to our Sales Department to get started with Coffee Management.
Call 631.673.5100 or Email